The US government, unlike Australia's, dosn't want to scare anyone, but the next homeless person you see could be a terrorist waiting to kill you and your family.
But like they said, don't be afraid. Homeless people who look suspicious or are seen loitering are of particular interest.
HEY, FUCKWADS, if you don't want terrorists posing as the homeless, than why not try to give the homeless places to live,
instead of just rounding them up and imprisoning them every time a political convention comes to town ala LA 2000.
This announcement comes as no surprise to me after previous government announcements about terrorists wanting to use limousines
and helicopters as bombs. A subsequent announcement cautioned Americans to be careful of having rocks or bricks within easy
reach, as terrorists can throw them at people. So far the only thing the government hasn't said terrorists will use is television,
because if America loses our TVs to the terrorists than life as we know it will end.
Speaking of ending life as we know it, the anti war effort is getting bigger every day. Joan Baez just performed outside
Camp Casey, which sits near to George Bush's evil fortress. In the story I read she said the first anti-war rally she attended
only had ten people, and it really touched me because that was the same number of people at my first protest march.
Finally, in crime news, I want to offer an official gold star to James Thorlakson. He got pissed off and so he shot at
some police. Then he burned down the police station. Then he burned down the court house. Then he shot the police chief. Then
he got caught and he DIDNT blame GTA. This dude is fuckin' harsh. The only problem I have with him is he
was caught trying to get his wounds fixed at a hospital. Dude, if you burn down the police station and all that stuff, you're
too cool for a hospital. You belong in a basement gritting your teeth while you pull the bullets out of yourself with your
bare hands while simultaneously wrestling an alligator.
Props to the sheriff they talked to, who was helpful enough to point out that the chief of police who Thorlakson shot three
times and who's office was burned down, was "not happy with the situation." I was really stunned by this, as it's traditional
for people to throw a party when they've been shot three times and had their offices burned down. These are quite popular
in Japan especially, where they're called "Celebrate lucky number gun wound -- the desk is scorched"