As some of you may be aware, the United States of America, in all their wisdom, decided to mock the terrorists and leave
the rest of the world fearing retribution. Now, rather then being the bigger man(or woman) and backing down, the Australian
government decided to join the trend of terrorist-mocking because god forbid Little Johnny goes for any length of time with
his lips removed from Bush's rear end. Last week or so, I was listening to the radio and heard an interesting piece of information.
Apparantly, studies show that Australia's continued self-imposed subjugation to the US has made us a GREATER target for
terroists! I mean, who would have imagined that terrorists would be a little miffed that we joined the war on terror. Anyway,
this is great for the Howard Government, as it means they get to sow a bit of a fear campaign. And nothing sells more votes
then convicing the populus to hide in fear. May I draw your attention here:
 Above: This is the same kind of propaganda poster Big Brother would make, if he were inept.
This is the poster that has been put up at the bus stops. Take into account, that there are also TV ads, radio ads, and
ads inside the busses themselves. As far as I can figure, the map of Australia is made up of various terrorist activities.
Some of these are fairly obvious. For example, the broken fence at the Queensland/Northern Territory boundry. I'm not arguing
that people breaking into areas which say KEEP OUT isn't a sign of terrorism. And the guy carrying the shotgun in South Australia
is just asking for trouble. But some of these other pictures are just right out of place.
The cash transaction taking place at the South Australia/Western Australia border is quite staged. I'm sure thats how all
drug deals look, handing over large amounts of cash in clear view Personally, I think it's the Government trying to warn people
that tradesmen who operate 'cash in hand' are obviously terrorists. Look at me. I do a bit of private tutoring, so obviously
I'm planning acts of terror. And directly above that picture is another of some people fixing a van. Just what is it that
the government has against tradesmen? But's thats not as bad as it gets.
Looking over the Brisbane way, we can see some blueprints rolled up and kept in a bucket. Sure, they may be plans letting
the terrorists know where to place their bombs, that's what the Government would like us to think. But isn't it really to
point out that construction workers can't be trusted.
(J. M.'s note: This is true. Think about it. Construction workers build BUILDINGS. And what do terrorists blow up? Why,
buildings of course. Coincidence? I think not!)
Especially if they drive broken vans. And accept cash for jobs. They're obviously terrorists then. But credit where credit's
due, they did manage to isolate the biggest threat to our countries well being. If you take a look at the most southern reaches
of Victoria, you'll make out Parliment House.