For a starter course on me you can check out my
Jenny Marx survey at Lance And Eskimo. To get a little more in depth though I'll just answer a ton of questions.
Middle name: Michael
Hair: Long and light brown
Eyes: Range from grey to blue
Height: Six feet
Weight: 135
Scars: A cool one on my arm where I jumped off the back of a moving truck, a weird scar on my hip, a scar on my chest
from some events last november, a scar on my left hand from playing quarters in school, and one other mysterious scar
on my left hand I've had forever.
Pets: The house I live in and everyone in it are owned by a cat. Her name is Fatcat and she is the lordess of all she
surveys. Do not tempt her feline wrath, for it shall be the death of us!
Hobbies: I enjoy writing, cooking, wood work, painting, online role play, table top role play, reading, surfing the net,
gardening and hiking.
Music: I'm into a lot of things. Favorite bands include Thursday, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, Propagandhi, Crosby
Stills Nash and Young, various artists from Gundam Wing, U2, REM, The LOTR soundtrack, a lot of stuff from the sixties, Bob
Dylan, etc.
TV: I don't really watch tv but when I did it was the Daily Show, the Simpsons, Trigun (anime) Gundam Wing (anime) and
occasional stuff on History or Discovery channel.
Movies: Evita, Steal this Movie, Interview with the vampire, Les Miserables, Six String Samurai, Casablanca, Casino,
LOTR trilogy, Star Wars unedited original trilogy.
Books: Catcher in the Rye - J D Salinger. Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald. Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx. On The
Road - Jack Kerouac. Illiad - Homer. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey. Truth and Beauty (I forget at the moment,
great book though). The Garden of Eden - Hemingway. Leaves of Grass - Whitman. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain.
Importance of Being Earnest - Wylde. Queen of the Damned - Anne Rice. Tale of Two Cities - Dickens.
Prefered schedule: Nocturnal
Job: Chef and artist. Currently awaiting publishing.
Clothing: Whatevers on my floor. I especially like the grunge look, but I also often wear a trenchcoat and a beret and
olive drab, mimicking many of my heroes.
Heroes: Che Guevara, His Excellency The President of Cuba, Yassir Arafat, Le Duan, Ho Chi Minh, Fred Hampton, Abby Hoffman.
Villains: George Bushes, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, Felix Rodriguez, Oliver North.
Major life influences: My mother, my step father, both of my aunts, Blake, Abby Hoffman, Jake, Teresa.
Kind of food: Italian. Simple, fresh ingredients, easy preperation, and unpretentious but delicious.
Dish: Tomatoe steak with fresh mozarella and julienne of basil.
Religion: Jedi, but I'm a former Catholic so I still keep a nifty altar with all the tapers and such.
Political affiliation: Revolutionary communist/anarchist. I've also worked with the democratic party and the green party.
I am currently a communist party member but I march with anarchists because if you look into the writings of Engels you see
that communists and anarchists have many common goals.
Goals: I plan to get published and travel the world.
Places I'd like to go: The French riviera, Sicily, The Amalfi coast of Italy, Milan, Rome, London, Ireland, Paris, Palestine,
Vietnam, Cuba, Egypt, Mecca, New Orleans, San Francisco, Seattle.
Person I'd most like to meet: His Excellency The President of Cuba.
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite song: I am no killer - Thursday
Favorite article of clothing: My beret
Best friend: Blake
In come: 5-6 thousand per anum
Favorite games: Chess, FF7, Suikoden, Unreal Tournament, Armored Core 2, Baldurs Gate Shadows of Amn.
Sexual orientation: Straight, but celibate. Such is the way of the Jedi.
Age: 21
Weapon proficiencies: Exotic Weapon: Bastard Sword. Martial Weapon: Broadsword. Simple Weapon: Dagger. Martial Weapon:
Shortbow. Simple Weapon: Staff. Exotic Weapon: Katana. Simple Weapon: Sling shot.
Skills: Theivery, adept memory, writing, cooking, computing.
Drugs: Alcohol and marijuana. No cigarettes. But open to LSD.
Favorite alcoholic beverages: Sweet wines and mixed drinks. Things with fruit and sweetness.
Coolest thing I ever did: Marched with the black bloc in DC
More to come as I think of it.