The most relevant news story that I've found lately has to deal with everyone's favorite religious fundamentalists. That's
right, Al Qaeda has given hurricane Katrina the rank of private. Now, I know I have no business telling their various sheiks
and mullahs how to run their worldwide terrorist network, but when something or someone kills several thousand of your enemies
and devastates an entire enemy city, you might want to award it more than the rank of private.
Come on Al Qaeda, show some fucking gratitude, you know. If it had been a male-named storm it probably would have made
colonel. If for no other reason than their sexist policies in regards to the promotion of weather related disasters, Al Qaeda
must be stopped.
In non important news, there's a lot going on at Jelly Pufflemur. Slade now has a girlfriend. Now, the average girlfriend,
Femalius Amicus, is an herbivorous animal with no understanding of web humor or video gaming and a thirst for her boyfriend's
time and money and attention. Femalius Amicus is a natural predator of webmasters in the wild.
However, a domesticated subspecies, Femalius Amicus Niftius, has been known to inhabit the material plane as well. These
creatures are rare but highly valued. Not only because slaying them gives you higher xp and they carry good items, but
also because they offer feminine companionship as well as an understanding of things that kick ass not usually seen in Femalius
Let's hope that Slade is involved with the latter, and not the former. Otherwise his articles may become fairly sparce.
There's some other Slade related news as well. Slade and I are both planning to form a Jelly Pufflemur contingent at
the sept 24th anti war demonstration in Washington. Those wishing to join in should contact us on the forums. Also, a special
thank you goes out to Fatcat, who has now gotten off my computer desk and allowed me to type this update in return for food
and ownership of my immortal soul.
The most important news I've naturally saved for last. Jelly Pufflemur has become quite popular and is updated regularly
now. I've already made one small attempt at gaining funds for a domain name which failed. Since then I've looked into it more.
It'll cost me around seventy dollars a year for an ad free site and a domain name.
I'm seriously considering it because I have the cash. But I'd need to make the site look a little more professional,
which I can't do, so I'd need to have a fourth writer on board who knows html and can do nifty graphics and such.