Today Jelly Pufflemur gained its first female contributer. Ok, so maybe she's just Icey's secretary, but it's still a
milestone. And I'd like to celebrate that milestone by paying homage to some of the other women of web humor. Many of those
I know take a back seat to their male counterparts, but this does not mean their work is any less important.
Above: Susan B. Anthony has to be mentioned every time someone talks about women being great. I don't know why though,
because I'm pretty sure that's a man.
Above: The closest thing to a picture of Lydia of 8BIT I could find. Lydia has helped many, many people with her advice
column, and draws a lot of the custom art for the actual comic.
Above: Laura Redcloud, the only female Redcloud brother. I had to debate including her, since she ignored my marriage proposal. Regardless, she did keep l& running single handed for a while there, and sometimes she even writes stuff that boys
might like to read when she's not bust talking about Lizzy Mcguire.
Above: Joyce, the mysterious girlfriend of Seanbaby. Interestingly enough most Christians will swear up and down that
she's a myth and Seanbaby is gay. However something tells me that as obsessed with fire as Seanbaby is, without a girl around
to act as a wet blanket (literally and figuratively) he'd probably look something like this:
"Rubber... cement.... so... treacherous... Joyce was... holding... me... back... blarghable."
And it's not just contributing writing that helps. Where would web humor be if there weren't girls around to tell us
when we smell like socks, or poke us with things when we go into video game-induced catatonia? How many of the writers
on this site would still be alive if female friends didn't occasionally say "You'll put your eye out with that."
So, to the girlfriends and friends who are girls of web humorists and comic artists everywhere, I send a heart felt thank
you. You manage to act interested in the stuff we do, and never abandon us, except for that one time when Seanbaby's girlfriend
ran off when he exploded that chicken limbo play set.
Anyhow, aside from that, girls make web humor possible, and keep us writers from setting ourselves on fire too hard.
They post updates when we're hung over and so much more. Somewhere out there there might even be a really great humor or comic
site that's run entirely by girls, and if such a place exists than they get props too just for making it in this crazy world.
Anyhow, I hope this article has taught us all to appreciate our female compatriots. And to appreciate the time Seanbaby
blew up that chicken limbo playset, because it totally fucking kicked ass.