A Dinner of Leeks
Dinner of Leeks is possibly one of the most daring first novels since Faulkner's A Penis Before Dying and it will certainly
go down in the annals of literature. Lance N. D'Escimo, the author of this work, has a natural sense of literary boundaries.
Like a skilled lover D'Escimo again and again approaches that point of no return where an author transcends genius for
madness, but he just as soon turns around, leaving the reader feeling cleansed as if by catharsis. No matter how you read
Dinner of Leeks, it will change you as a person.
Dinner of Leeks can be spiritual at times, but its characters are earthy, sensual, even sexy. Aunt Marjore is not only
a model for today's woman, but she represents the quintesential female of the 00s. She is vivacious without being pervading,
and she can cook, but prefers to let her male friend do it for her. In Aunt Marjpore we see the ideal woman, a mixture of
the matronly and the playboy centerfold, and yet perfectly balanced.
Miguel is the usual favorite character. Unlike the narrator he seems so human and vulnerable. When he loses the game
they're playing I'm not ashamed to say that I cried for him. In essence DofL is the story of Miguel's triumph over adversity,
even in death.
Dinner of Leeks is a testament to the triumph of the human spirit, and certainly shouldn't be missed. You can purchase