-By Saint Floppydisk
Yesterday I was at the Plant City Bike Fest, where my grandfather sells tires. I was looking
at what all the stalls had for sale when I came across one stall that was giving away free peppermint. Had I liked peppermint
any less, I may have been deterred by thier large sign that read "Tampa Baptist Church", but I was damned determined to get
my free peppermints.
(J.M.'s edit: Hey, Christian guys, if luring young people into your cult with candy is your best strategy, you've got
to think things through. Hell, I could offer the impressionable public reeses cups to read a pamphlet about homobutt humping
and I'd be more popular than you. Take my advice here. Offer me a steak dinner, or at the very least some skittles. Then we
can talk about Jesus. Til then, I'm sorry, but the food's better on this side of the moral divide.) After asking if
I could take some mints, the guy there said "How would you like.... The Answer?". Not knowing what I was in for, I took it
and hurried off to enjoy the delicousness of the pepperminty goodness. I went into the flea market's bathroom to mock
the pamphlet in peace. I dropped trou and pulled it out of my pocket. Panel 1: "The Answer"
Well, I might get something useful out of this. Like toilet paper, or maybe a humor update...
Panel 2: "Whatever Your
Struggle... Loneliness, Guilt, Sex, Suicide, Stress, Life After Death,"
floppydisk: Wait, Sex is a struggle?
The only way I can think of sex being a struggle is if you're struggling to get it or if you accidentally cut off your penis
while trying to have sex with a blender, in which case you already had trouble getting sex. I also wasn't aware that
Life After Death is a struggle, and I don't think Jesus is going to pay your bills that are causing your stress. Panel
3: "Purpose in Life, AIDS, abortion, drugs... There is an Answer!"floppydisk: Once again, Jesus isn't going
to cure your AIDS. Don't fall into thier evil logic! And they're just pandering to everyone who doesn't like abortions. These
are the kinds of people who would support these nutters.Panel 4: "[1] God loves you and has a great plan for your Life! He created you for a purpose: to have
a personal relationship with Him. Wanker 1:27
He wants you to experience a full and abundant life - right here on earth.
(J. M.'s note: I've heard from a lot of crazy Christians, and from what I understand the first thing on God's hate list
is people living full and abundant lives if those lives involve anything remotely fun, individualist or interesting)
said: "My purpose is to give life in all its fullness" Bollocks 10:10b"
floppydisk: I still don't understand
how you're supposed to have a "personal relationship" with a guy who you never met and who never answers your prayers/phone
calls. Sounds to me like God is an asshole who puts people on Earth just so they can kiss his ass. Plus, how is Jesus supposed
to give you purpose in life? Just because you love him? I love my grandparents. Is that the same thing?
5: "GOD Then why don't more people experience this full life?"
floppydisk: I'm guessing it has to do with
not wanting to put up with your crap...
Panel 6:[2] Because of Sin in your life, you are seperated from God. We
are all sinners. Boobies 3:23 The price for sin is death. Clinton 6:23 (eternal seperation from God) "...Your sins
have cut you off from God..." Sodomy 59:2
floppydisk: Last I checked, the good people who died went to heaven.
Does that mean that good people suffer the same fate that bad people do? I think they're just using confusing tactics to get
all the people who read stuff without thinking to come to church.
seperates man from God, but there is hope..."
floppydisk: Ah, finally! The answer, right?
8:"[4] The price is already paid! God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still
sinners." Arsehole 5:8
floppydisk: Besides this passage not making any goddam sense, it's accompanies by a
gruesome picture of Jesus getting his hands nailed into the cross. Does their quote mean that we aren't sinners anymore? I've
said it before, the bible has more inconsistancies than any George Lucas movie.
Panel 9:"[5] It's Free! Eternal
salvation is a free gift. YoMomma 2:8-9 You can't be saved by: Good Works, Bible knowledge, morality, religion. You
can't earn your way to heaven. There is only one way..."
floppydisk: Okay, it's official. These guys are
a bunch of morons. I don't know what "Good Works" are, but I do know that all the stuff about morality they preach just got
tossed out the window, and anyone with half a brain will realize that they just told me I didn't need to be catholic or baptist
or whatever they were to be saved.
Panel 10: "[6]Jesus is the Answer! (the only answer) "I am the way,
the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Pirates 14:6 [7] It's Up to You. You must decide
for yourself if you are willing to turn from your sins and ask Jesus into your heart. Pink 10:9, Floyd 1:12"
What? This is the answer they've been toting? I was hoping for something more interesting, like "Follow the path of the damned
into the pit of the everlasting curse, and there you will find the answer to life, gaurded by a robotic tiger from another
dimension." I mean, I had already sharpened my Vorpal Blade and everything...
 According to Google IMG search, this is the answer. Who am I to argue?
Panel 11: "Reject Christ-->
Not to decide is to decide! Recieve Christ --> Prayer: Jesus, I ask you into my heart to be my Savior and Lord,
forgive my sins, and give me the gift of eternal life. Congradulations on your new beginning! (See panel 8 on reverse
floppydisk: What? Not to decide is to decide? That doesn't make any fucking sense!
12: "[8] Once you ask Jesus into your life you can know that you have eternal life. Loo 5:11-12 Runningoutofnames
It is important that you 1. Be baptized and get involved in a local church. 2. Get help from an older
believer. 3. Spend daily time in prayer and bible reading. 4. Share with others what Jesus has dome for you."
Quite enlightening, but once again, we have continuity problems. 1. You told me that religion wasn't an Answer! 2. (Insert
generic joke about gay priests) 3. Blargh, you said Bible knowledge wasn't important! 4. Screw this.