ProjectV01: I hereby declare you Jelly Pufflemur's official historian
Haunted Ethos: Uh... K?
ProjectV01: now quickly, say that Chyld was at every bad event in history
Haunted Ethos: Ok, but only for publicity.
ProjectV01: say it.... -prods ye-
Haunted Ethos: Chyld was responsible for every bad event in history, except the potato
famine. That was blight.
ProjectV01: righto, thanks
ProjectV01: now its time for some photoshoppin'
The real conversation looked a lot like that except instead of me coersing Slade he stated
it after days of constant research, and instead of me saying "time for some photoshoppin'" I say "Time to look through historical
archives to find photographic or pictoral evidence"
Now, here are my findings:
Here is Chyld at the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. Interestingly enough, on Chyld's
list of favorite things, the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand is number two, after blasphemy.
And here's Chyld at the sacking of Rome. Chyld is a closet visigoth.
Here is Chyld at the murder of Che Guevara, you'll also note that Felix Rodrigues is there. The latter man deserves to
die for complicity in the murder of the greatest hero of our century.
Here's Chyld celebrating the crucifixion of Jesus.
Yet another thing Chyld is complicit in: The election and inauguration of Nixon.

Another travesty of history that Chyld is responsible for: Paris Hilton.*
Now I'm not saying that Chyld's presence at these events means he had anything to do
with them, but the poorly photoshopped images above are evidence that can easily be discounted.
* Clearly this one is below the belt. Apologies to Chyld.