Is not
my word like...
a HAMMER that breaketh the rock in pieces?
--THE LORD, Jeremiah 23:29 "
Ya know, for an all powerful deity this God person takes a lot of time talking himself up. What is he, a rapper? "Yo, My
name is Iehova and I'm too legit to quit! Foo!"
"The Bible (King James 1611) busts up EVERY lie."
What about this one: "This statement is false." Or howabout the lies that the Romish church is supposedly spreading in
order to ummm do something bad or something? I dont hear any busting up there.

The image here seems to be god about to ram his deific nuts with a hammer.
"The Great Whore still rides the beast in all her monstrous glory!"
"Oh, hallelujah for the truth of God's word. Thank you, Jesus we don't have to be deceived."
ehehehehehehehehe cough cough ok I'll stop... eheheheheheheehehehe
"Read the absolutely HORRIFYING ordeal of a woman trapped in a cloistered convent (or should I say torture chamber?)"
I love to use this tactic because it works for anything you want to make fiendish. For instance:
"J. M, would you like a cookie?"
"No I would not like a cookie, (or should I say explosive laden cyanide wafer of the devil!!!!!!! ZING!)
"Catholic "Church"
slave labour camp."
I remember Harriet Beacher Stowe wrote a story about one of those. It was called "Brother Thomas' Cabin"
"...the scripture cannot be broken."
--Jesus Christ,
John 10:35 "
Yeah, but then his kids got to it and he was all like "Aw damn it, this is why we cant have nice things!"
"The word of God (King James 1611 Bible) does the breaking, it CANNOT be broken. "
So what would happen if the word of god and Bruce Willis got in a fight?
"So when it busts up the eucharist and Mary worship, you need to REPENT and give God the glory."
I don't remember the bible busting up anything, unless its been thrown at something. And if you throw the bible at stuff
you're not that good of a Christian.
"You NEED to worship the REAL Jesus--not the fake, dead one of Romanism."
These guys sound a little lusty for such good religious folk. Perhaps they have needs they're not telling us about...
"You NEED to worship the Jesus of the Bible, not the one of men's wicked imaginations and counsels
and synods. "
I'm sorry my synods were wicked jesus. I honestly thought I had them removed when they got infected though.
"You're intolerant!"
Hey you said it not me.
"No, the truth is intolerant. 2+2=4, not 5, not 11, not 213."
Yeah I suppose the truth is the one that fire bombs abortion clinics too... This is the same argument that
white supremacists put forth "I'm not intolerant I'm just better than you. Oh dang I swollered my tobaccy"
"His name is Jesus and anything that contradicts His word is a wicked lie. "
Well well, finally someone else who has a problem with the old testament.