The heroicism of Christian brothers and sisters who resisted to the BLOOD striving against sin. Hallelujah!"
Oh no! Not Licentiousness! And if Whoredom is a sin it's got to be the sin with the best name ever. Or maybe it's a kingdom.
Also heroicism is not a word.
"Satan is preparing folks for the worship of himself and his man of sin. When new agers say, "The Christ" they
are not talking about Jesus, they're talking about Lucifer aka Maitreya."
And you're basing this upon what exactly? Andby the way, in my years of reading Christian mythology (I use that word just
to piss you off) I've never heard Lucifer to be named Maitreya. He is Samyaza in the book of Enoch, called Lucifer in heaven,
Satan after his fall, Beelzebub, and various other names, but never Maitreya. You just made that up, didn't you?
"Roman Catholic "Celibate" Priesthood is Full of Whoremongers! "
"Crazy Christian "Enlightened" Website is Full of Nutjobs."
"What can go on in the unbiblical confessional with the Romish Priest? by former priest"
I would imagine a confession is what tends to occur, but clearly my logical thought has no place here.
"the Roman Catholic woman, who, not less deceived by her priests, suffers a torture far more cruel and
ignominious in the confessional-box, to appease the wrath of her wafer-god."
The torture, according to this guy, is that she has to tell a priest behind a screen that she screwed a donkey
or whatever. Really the idea of confession seems pretty cool, especialyl since they cant go and tell anyone about it afterwards.
I think its onlt being talked up as a bad thing for women. Men have confession constantly but we just call it "bragging" Also,
wafer-god. hehe.
"Auricular Confession and Popish Nunneries Yet another former priest blows cover off lascivious, beastly priests of the Whore."
I didn't bother reading this crap, but I do like the word Popish Nunneries.
"The death rate of priests from AIDS is at least FOUR TIMES that of the general population Bishop says, "...Much as we would regret it, it shows that human nature is human nature." No, it shows that the Great
Whore is the MOTHER of harlots and abominations! Forbidding to marry is evil--I Timothy 4:3."
This quote speaks for itself.
And here's some more lunacy from a link I was unlucky enough to click.
"A picture of the Catholic Jesus. (when papists eat the bread and drink the wine they think they are eating Jesus' flesh/guts/toenails/eyeballs/etc.
and drinking His blood! they "receive" their Jesus by EATING him!)"
Wow, way to blow a ritual out of proportion...
"Popes say non-Catholics are not saved--damned to the lake of fire! (no wonder papists are scared to consider the truth that they are in a cult! brainwashed into thinking they'll go
to the lake of fire for considering and believing truth.)"
Oh, of course. Noone else does anything like that, right? I mean it's not like you say the exact same thing
the Catholics do in the next quote.
"The worst danger of ecumenism (all religions getting together in unity) is telling heretics that their
religion is okay. They will not try to find out the truth and the lake of fire will be their eternal home. Christians, fight ecumenism tooth and nail."
Naw, you're not intolerant.
"CATHOLICS MAKE PILGRIMAGES TO ABOMINABLE IMAGES (visit a couple of Mary apparition links here--most of 'em are hoaxes, the others Satanic. It's crazy and unbiblical.)"
Those darned crazy apparitions, what with their ability to perform myracles and inspire people.
" "
I sure am glad they decided to be graceful in addressing the Catholic sexual abuse scandal.
""ROMAN" Catholicism is the MOTHER of harlots and abominations (She's not a daughter, the Bible says she's a MOTHER--the one CONCEIVING, GESTATING, BIRTHING, DELIVERING,
Yes, yes, everything births sodomites, good for you.
"Carry some tracts and a homemade sign (white posterboard with black letters)
about how
Jesus saves."
And what would a good crazy Christian site be without instructions on how to torment innocent people outside
abortion clinics. Personally my reccomendation is for them to use white posterboard with white letters. Haleleujah!
Stay tuned for part 2 in which I delve deeper into the mysteries of the appostate satanic website, which DAMNS
anyone who accesses it to HELLLLL!*
and it eats babies, too!
*Note: I am exempt, because God's cock is bigger than yours.