Scene 1: Vincent and Gina spend the evening in his appartment
Vincent: So what would you like to do tonight? The
city and everything in it belongs to us.
Gina: I'd sell it all just to go out and do something crazy.
Why would you ever want to do that?
Gina: Because crazy things are the things that people do when they're in love.
I hardly think so.
Gina: Well I came here and that's seeming pretty crazy at the moment.
Vincent: I would think
it was a perfectly sound decision.
Gina: Of course you would.
Vincent: Alright alright point taken, what shall
we do? Alligator wrestling?
Gina: It dosn't matter. You'll just shoot down whatever idea I put forth thats the least
bit different. You really can't stand spontinaety can you?
Vincent: Spontinaety started it, I'm just trying to keep
the peace.
Gina: [exasperated]Oh come on will you!? What would be so wrong with going out of town for a while, or maybe
a trip to another country even, or at least a different restaurant!
Vincent: When you have to deal with the inner workings
of highly warped minds for a living you'll enjoy a bit of mundanity as well! Besides, the Wizzledorf has good food, and you've
never thought otherwise. And, you know, on the last show I did, some guy came up to me to talk about his sexual feelings for
his mother! And he went on to describe at great length---
Gina: [cutting him off and begining to grow heated] I don't
want to hear it! I'm sick and tired of the mundane!
Vincent: [half jokingly] You call that mundane? Come now I thought
women loved to talk about what kind of days their significant others had.
Gina: You know, all we ever do is hang around
in your appartment and watch films and go to boring parties...
Vincent: Yes, I rather like that state of things.
[growing very annoyed] Did you ever consider that *I* might not?
Vincent: [clearly being deliberately absurd and flashing
an idiotic smile] Nope, never crossed my mind.
Gina: I can't believe you're the best I could do. Tell me why I stay
with you again?
Vincent: Oh, I don't know, maybe it's the mountain of cash that fills my coffers at the end of each
month? The invitations to the best parties in town? My titanic penis?
Gina: You know, I could do better...
Well I suppose, if it were a basket ball player, or a porn star...
Gina: Oh shut up! I mean I could do better than
you, not little Vincent.
Vincent: Frankly I don't know which statement would be worse.
Gina: You're a selfish,
know it all, proud, smart ass,---
Vincent: (cutting her off jovially) but just to make things clear, you're fine with
my size?
[The sound of a door slamming concludes the scene. Exit GINA]