
Fuck you Chyld, I still have the navbar
More Venom to Gaia
Glamis The Great
Impulse power!

My Pets

I love my pets! On this page I'll describe them and their special place in my life.

Name of One Pet

Here I'll add information about my first pet. I'll explain what type of animal he is and describe some of his favorite tricks.

A black dog; Size=240 pixels wide

Name of Another Pet

Here I'll add information about another of my pets. Again, I'll talk about how I first got her and then describe some of her habits.
Mission dossier.
Operation: Troutkrieg
Mission History...
Operation: Troutkrieg - Phase Alpha
Date: June 11 2008
      suggested that we troll the FR forums.      insisted that there were too many trolls already active and it would go unnoticed.      said it was necessary to troll really hard so as to stand out. Apparently the  idea to actually do it was given to       by The      .
Date: June 19 2008
It was      who suggested that we storm the FR forums,   suggested a blitzkrieg and added the idea of blitzkrieg with trouth. without Sime's involvement (having just recently expelled him from the Party)      had to acquiesce to       's frequent and vocal demands for more trout action.      continuously desired the prevalence of trout in the plan. Regardless,      was the first to sign up a code name account as hldmethrllmechrisntrilby nine days after our initial talk. Hldmethrllme's first post was actually a mistake.         had meant to post it under his regular account, and the regular spelling is evident of this. Troutkrieg was off to a poor start.
Date: June 20 2008
      was  the dominant force in the formation of troutkrieg but delayed somewhat in procuring his username, although this added legitimacy to the theory that the two trolls were seperate entities also instructed that a post about what yahtzee should review next and some  fellatio would help hldmethrllme blend in. the infiltration was mainly       's work.
Date: June 29 2008
        started to sign up. we ran into problems with the email address and        couldnt decide on a name.          first suggested regik rotut, before rearraging  the letters of troutkrieg further into Kurtt Regio. This was considered to be "SWEET!" and henceforth adopted. From this point on Operation Troutkrieg entered phase gamma.
Operation Troutkrieg: Phase Gamma
Date: June 29 2008
Kurtt Reigo made his first post talking about some metal gear solid game. Reaction on the following page was less than positive. Hldmethrllme was asked to translate what they considered to be a retard language.         decided that Hldmethrllme  and Kurtt's relationship should be antagonistic and thus clearly made the claim that he had come to wage troutkrieg against all of us.
Date: June 30 2008
Patch PMed hldmethrllme about his silly signature.        and        got a great laugh out of it.        decided it was best not to bother asking The       if The       was pleased with the course of Operation Troutkrieg so far.We have been out of touch with The       for some time.         said it was difficult to get into  the mindset of a troll, and         retorted that we must be cautious, as it might prove all too easy to fall to the Dark Side.
Date: July 1 2008
         cautioned         that we must not tell anyone of the operations, especially not girlfriends as  females tend to have morals.        sought a definitive statement on the goal of troutkreig.         made clear that it was meant "To tear up the FR forums because they're all such idiots, and eventually unleash the trout."          agreed and we furthermore decided that Patch was not being trolled hard enough, and we would only win when he became properly enraged. This would prove our trolling mettle.       still believes there was a point to troutkrieg beyond simple trolling, perhaps and idea from The        . This will not be expounded upon for reasons of operational security.
Date: July 3: Ran into conflict with          when hldmethrllme began posting in the debate club as most proper FR trolls do.         insisted that this was not a line that should be crossed, while       retorted that it was needed for legitimacy. Also, was bored because         was not posting much. It was around this point that troutkrieg  phase alpha ended. the main target of phase alpha was to fuck with Patch, and establish the rivalry between hldme and kurtt.
Mission: Accomplished.


Operation: Troutkreig
Phase Zulu
Date: September 9 2008
        began to pressure         to complete the final goals of the mission, to post the trout pictures.        claims we need to build up to it.        told him that what we could do was for kurtt to "post something incredibly retarded, and when someone calls you on it go batfuck insane and start posting the trout pictures. actually, hell I can be the one that calls you on it in the most abusive manner possible, and hopefully we'll both get kicked" this became the operational parameters of phase gamma.        was still troubled by         's apparent feet dragging, and for the first time considered bringing in outside help.
Date: September 9 2008
Patch started an anti troll list of people he liked in his signature, inviting them to PM him and stay on the forum, and that anyone with over 100 posts could be added to the list.      's goal became to get over 100 posts as soon as practicable. The list read as follows:

"Joshofalltrades. David Kyo, AdamM, Spann, Otal Nimrodi, Arien, Blueskirt, Goat, Ghello, Dreamer M, Game Over, Maggot4Life, FFreak3, Chyld, The Orator, Mandy Writes, ftr, Dr Lecter, Blueskirt, Deucaon, Casual, Man Of Doom, Slade, J m HofMarN.

If I have missed your name and you have a post count of over 100, PM me and I will probably add you. If I have mispelt your name, please PM me and correct me. A list so exclusive, not even Yahtzee is on it."

Date: September 14 2008

Noticed a thread about a guy who got a tattoo of Yahtzee. In response, hldme introduced a thread purporting to auction off Yahtzee's soiled panties. Finally tiring of        's inaction, I inducted        into Operation Troutkrieg. The conversation is shared below.

Hldme: perhaps one day you can be inducted into The Plan

      : I hope so.

      : I like plans.

Hldme: hmmmm

      : Especially Capitalized Plans Prefaced With 'The'

Hldme: The Plan is a secretive function of The Party. Sime is unaware of it as he was expelled

      : Tsk, tsk, tsk. SIME!

Hldme: are you averse to covert action and or secrecy?

      : I watch Burn Notice obsessively.

      : So no.

Hldme: are you averse to...................... trolling?

      : I can troll when I want.

Hldme: are you averse to being jabbed with a needle full of secret heart attack drug if you attempt to reveal any information about The Plan?

      : I am very averse of that, which I think is to my advantage regarding gaining information about The Plan.

Hldme: hmmmm very good. Do you have an alternate email address other than your forum account?

      : Oh yeah.

      : Make an alternative account, I see.

Hldme: Then you are hereby inducted into Operation: Troutkrieg


Hldme: you know of it?

      : No.

      soon informed him of the meaning and goals of the operation, and Troutkrieg had its newest operative. He  required help finding a picture as his person was going to be a cam whore.         instructed him to just do a google image search for stupid words people use like sexay or kinky or hawt.        informed        later the same day about         's induction.       continued to vacillate.       ordered him to get back in formation, to which he replied "sir, maybe, sir!"

        also decided that hldme's "catch phrase" of sorts would be to use the term "ok" in every one of his posts, usually at the end. Ex, when told to stop trolling, he claimed that he was defending people from Kurtt's troutkreig: "I'm the thin red line, ok?"

Date: September 15 2008

Someone suggested that hldme or kurtt might be Yahtzee in disguise. flattering. also, the "post yr pics" thread by toochic became popular.        and         had a short discussion on the theory that, like us, everyone else on FR was just a normal person sockpuppeting a troll.        and i meanwhile theorized that chyld and tattoo guy would get in a bidding war over the yahtzee's panties thread.       decided to make toochic a whore and go after guys on the forum, and also really get creepy into cosplay. Kurtt posted a few things as well but remains too passive.       is still trying to coopt him into posting a yahtzee appreciation thread to make everyone attack him, thus providing the motivation for our coup de gras.



A cat; Size=240 pixels wide
This is tibbles he is the prettiest kitty kitty ever. Ok?