Given the incredible failure to illicit much interest in last year's OES I've decided to try something different. I'm
not as focused on the statistics, since I lost track of how much liquer I had around the five gallon mark. I'm not going to
worry about minute details or any nonsense like that. I'm going to try to capture the real feel of OES by giving you a photo
album down here and a link to my blog post for the day the pictures were taken incase you want to learn more. So read, view,
and laugh. Or be beaten to death with a black rubber penis. The following pictures all come from OES2 day 1
Pictured here are all the supplies for OES2. Note the presence of the essential Jujubees, cherry coke, and Piss Cannon
MK2 Custom. Not pictured are 60 dollars in illegal explosives and our costumes.
Here is the tasty beverage center. You can tell I have good taste because I have like five different kinds of blue
liquer, plus yummy Irish Crème and kahlua. Oh, and the parrot bay. Stuff kicks ass.

Here’s Blake’s room after I redecorated. Drunken crazy people had dwelt there for a long time filling
it with horror, so after airing it out for a week and disinfecting I put a canopy over the bed and hand painted a light shade
for it.
Here’s me making the bonfire topping which consists of some legal or “queer” fireworks (as us experts
call them) that the fireworks guy gave me to make me go away and stop begging for more rockets. You can tell they’re
legal because if you look closely enough they’re sodomizing each other and then talking about how the duct tape I tied
them to this box with doesn’t match their fuses.
Here is the collection of empty cardboard boxes I saved up to make the three bonfires. First I made two “small”
signal pyres for when Blake arrived. The idea was to use them to summon Chris. They did not work. The rest of the boxes would
be used later.
Here are the mortar tubes I set up for our rocket launching pleasure. It’s amazing how much rocket launching
equipment you can find in the average redneck yard.
This was taken just after Blake arrived as he gazed around at the banner I put up and the fires and the rockets and
Here’s some boxes me and Blake were tossing outside in transit to what Box rights activists have called “The
greatest mass killing of boxes since the boxzi party fell from power."

This cubical pile of boxes is six feet tall and held up by a framework of tomato stakes. Yay fire! |

Blake looking like a bad ass as our fire of rad-itude soars thirty feet into the air behind him. |

Me wielding my straight edged katana infront of the flames. |
Some of the gifts Blake got me such as the Demonia Reaper boots and the wooden bokken (practice katana) Background:
abject chaos
 More abject chaos
The tractor we tried to burn down with our bonfire. It does provide a good scale for the destruction we wrought.
 Here I am staffing the Blanton booth at the fair after meeting the congressional candidate himself.
 The girls I hung out with the first night we went to the fair and who were rockin enough to buy me the hat below. They
also tried to steal my boots.
 Here I am wearing the silly redneck hat the girls bought me. it says "buck stops here" on the front and "buck master"
on the sides. No I don't know what that means but I bet it's something about them daggon terrorists.
 It was pretty late into OES2 when Chris arrived. We met up at the fair and he came and crashed at our place. Early
the next day (Don’t look at me, I cant remember if it was morning or what) Anyhow, Blake began to show us army combat
stuff that wasn’t written in any rules of engagement. This is our “laboratory” where he turned the heating
pack from an MRE (meal ready to eat) some water and a soda bottle into a bomb of sorts that did little besides blow up very
hot water all over some of the lawn. It sure sounded cool though.
 Here’s Blake holding his plastic bottle bomb, probably unwisely long before he threw it out onto the grass.
 Here’s Chris and Blake. Blake is messing with more MREs and Chris is reading the monster manual. On the bed up
in the corner you can see the Unimesh helmet that would become a vital part of our own legends. The helmet was knocked off
a satelite dish using Blake’s flail and before he even cleaned the whasps out of it Blake knew it was part of his costume.
 I decided we should match so Chris and I got in costume as well and decided to attend the county fair. We sat on the
discarded couch outside, deciding it was clearly time to do a photo and having Chris take the picture. You’ll get to
see his outfit later.
 Here’s Chris walking towards the fair against a sunset.
 And here’s me, Chris got a better shot, more of a panorama and no cars came to bother him.
 And this is it, we made it into the fair when I sweet talked the guards and told them we were an emo band called Unimesh
checking out the punk scene. And holy fuck there actually WAS a scene, and we were it. We started exchanging our costumes
with chicks, Blake started sweating, and I bought everyone sodas. There were more pictures, but that night, with the rides
and the dancing and the music, and the vibes flashing and crackling, there’ll never be another night like that. I can
still remember riding home with my chemical romance pounding in the cd player. That may have been the best night of my life…