So I was surfing the net recently looking for things to ridicule. You would be stunned at how much of my time online is
spent like that. I found some site called "world combat"...
so far so good right?
but then they add in "dating" to make "World Combat Dating" It's like WWF (or whatever they call themselves these days)
but with sex. If one had enough beer such a site would be heaven. But not all things are as they appear. WCD as I shall call
it is actually just a dating service that encourages you to "find a warrior princess". And if you're out to date a woman and
using "ability to kick my ass" as a mode of selection, you're going to be the bitch in that relationship. Good luck finding
such a person though, because from what I can see most of the mutants they feature on their home page havn't come looking
for people to enact the old stomp-n-fuck with since February. And I expect most of them only joined when they saw this text
from their home page:
Join World Combat Dating NOW!
And whimpered out something like "ok ok I'll join you just don't hurt me!"
The site was as interesting to me as it was to its members except for the hilarious name and the fact that it was a gateway
site for harder drugs and, in fact, stupider web sites. One of these sites was linked at the top. The premise didn't seem
that awful. Some bullshit about making your body into elastic steel through excersise that required no equipment or effort
or sweating or discomfort or anything at all. You know, just like all the other programs that just require the use of your
suspendias disbeliefita maximi muscles, a few hundred dollars, and getting up off your ass*.
*Warning: Getting up off your ass not included.
Anyhow, the ad had something else though, something that told me that this site was not maintained by a super genius marketing
guru like Billy Blank or Billy Gates. That something was this:

Would you like that in text just to make sure you're not misreading?
Develop flexibility that toddlers will envy.
Now, they could have used a different analogy, but then I wouldn't have found this delightful little site, so let's just
be thankful while I explain what's wrong with this statement. First of all, if your physical fitness goals involve gaining
the admiration of two year olds, you're probably not very fit. All you have to do is not wear diapers and you'll have their
envy, but I'm guessing that might be above the abilities of the mind that came up with this phrase and then put it on a big
The second problem is something I don't know if I'm fit to comment on. I'm no toddler expert, but I used to be one. And
I can recall being yelled at to stop biting things and screaming back the closest things to obscenities I could come up with.
My point? You DON'T want toddlers to envy you. They will bite you. And no matter how flexible you are that's still going to
hurt a lot.
And to avoid that kind of pain while reviewing I knew I was going to need a superstar squad of combat
specialists. But the Christian Baiting Lazer Squad have been on vacation, so I just recruited a few particularly funny looking people from World Combat Dating. I hope they
don't find out though, cuz if they do I might have to engage in combat with them, or engage in dating with them, or engage
in combat dating with them. My team includes:

A 40 something balding guy who claims to be a twenty something not balding guy known to his magic the gathering group only
as "The War Machine"

"Shalkar" a descendant of that pink guy from Dragon Ball Z who could eat people.

"Gemma" who will never in a million years convince me that she is 43 in this picture, and who will fill the role of my
love interest double agent during this mission. Oh gods I hope she's more interested in dating than combat.
My ultra team is rounded off with the inclusion of the husband and wife duo of Hedgehog Hair Harry and his love, Ming
Lee the Gem Studded Nose Holder.
Together we would storm into, take as many prisoners as we could, deactivate the war heads, and then make
fun of the architecture of the secret base that is built there. Then, with the strength of friendships forged through combat
and dating, we would write a silly article about that site. Click here to continue to part two... NOW!