Hello to all of you beautiful people out there. Today, because I'm too unoriginal to create anything of my own, I'm going
to talk about other people for a while. And we shall wax fashionable with some of the internet's best. Keeping up with internet
fashion is a big responsibility for anyone. I mean, when you're sending hatemail you don't want to be the last one to actually
spell out the word "you", do you?
Today's big news is the return of the mysterious Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. And Oh-my-God can you believe it? He's wearing
a Hawaiian shirt. Could this be the next big internet trend? Our experts; me, say yes.
He also gets props for having a long coat, much like anyone with any sense. The most stylish thing to wear while you
surf for Pr0n this summer is clearly a Hawaiian shirt and a long coat. Anything else and you may as well be searching for
pictures of the bald guy from Dragon Ball Z.
Yahtzee is STYLIN!
What else is Mr. C up to? Well, in his newest epic he records his travels to Cornwall. Could Cornwall be the next big hotspot for e-culture and the blogosphere*? Sources that live in damp
cardboard boxes say "KING LAS VEGAS ARRIVES TODAY!" and that clearly means yes.
*Blogosphere must now be mentioned in every article regarding the internet, but I
don't know what it means.
And speaking of returns, what about Chefelf? The dapper holder of the title of cutest
Redcloud brother burst out of retirement with a new single about an extinct beverage. His style has been a classic since his debut in the late 90s, and it continues to be so today. The
web savvy consumer would be lost without a chef hat to go with that Hawaiian shirt.
 I wanted to show a picture of Chefelf, but this image protection thing is pretty STYLIN too.
And the term web-savvy is definately in. Look at that hyphen! Sexy! It really sounds like a part of the female anatomy!
And it can also be called a dash. How cool is that, am I right girlfriends? Huh? A noun that can also be a verb, and a part
of web-savvy? That's cool! That's, that's... Web-savvy!
Less Is More continues to do fuck all, but I don't hate them anymore, and what's more they totally mentioned Jelly
Pufflemur in their last update, which scientists have carbon dated to be sometime just after the Tunguska incident. Asked
why his last update occured before the fall of the Czar, Chyld burst into flames, which was really cool and sexy. What a card
In gossip today there's rumored to be relations going on between a certain Paul and
a lady Caolan of Lance And Eskimo fame. Could there be little Pauly Meats on the way? And what is Caolan saying about Paul's meat? We
don't know. We don't really want to know. But we sent photographers to harass the illusive internet magnate anyhow. None have
And now for the ins and outs:
Furries are out.
Tentacle rape is in.
Blogosphere and Web Savvy are in.
The Macareina and the Chupacabra are out.
U is in.
You is out.
L33T is in.
Latin is out.
Fred Phelps and Jack Thompson continue to vie for
the title of coolest satirical web personality.
And finally we wrap up this segment with web comics.
8BIT Theater just featured a gold chocobo deal which was pretty cool, and it seems that Brian Clevinger has not
yet lost his edge after over six hundred comics. He can still crank out lines such as fighter's "Aw man, I never get to ride
crimes against nature, or hobos, or nuthin."
CTRL ALT DEL is also still going strong, with the recent strips focusing on Ethan's quest to snatch up Elder Scrolls
Oblivion. It should be noted that both of the above artists have long hair, as do I. Therefore I declare that long hair is
in and mullets are out. Huzzah!
Also, Pokey The Penguin is totally in. Because I say so. Recent strips feature the story of Shootin' Jed, who, as Havelka states,
"has a gun for a leg and a gun for a head."
And Dinosaur Comics continues to uphold its reputation for excellence. Stomping on houses is totally in too. Noone's said
anything about pants, so pants are totally out. You don't need them online anyhow. If you meet someone in a chat room, along
with your usual six foot tall fireman with an eight inch penis routine, be sure to tell them you're wearing pants to cover
up. And kill them if they find out otherwise. It's web-savvy to guard your secrets.
 Censoring and footware provided by Hostess fruit pies. There's a big delight in every bite of my cock.