Middle Name: Blake (what is his first name? It is a mystery!)
Hair: Light brown crew cut.
Eyes: Blake's eyes have that weird effect like the eye of Sauron where they flay your mind if you look into them... I think
they're green though.
Height: Around five foot ten
Weight: Experts estimate his mass to be around 145 without any armor on.
Purpose on the site: Blake inspires a good 50% of the articles I write in one way or another. You can read about his inventions
such as the piss cannon or cat butt, or his game reviews, but there's a lot more. Blake rarely writes anything, but acts more
as a muse, creating great ideas that are also insane.
Food: Don't ask why, but Blake likes spray cheese, kimchi and jujubees, possibly mixed. Once again, and not for the last
time, it is a mystery.
Scars: I'm pretty sure Blake has one from where I shot him in the arm pit with an arrow but he has a lot more from practicing
with his swords and flail.
Pets: The house I live in and everyone in it are owned by a cat. Her name is Fatcat and she is the lordess of all she surveys.
Do not tempt her feline wrath, for it shall be the death of us! Also, a ferret.
Hobbies: Blake is an avid gamer and dabbles in guitar and the internet. He's also a decent gardener, having grown a really
effing huge marigold plant he called the Lifa Tree.
TV: Anime, especially all Gundam series, Evangellion, and Trigun.
Movies: Endless Waltz, Vampires VS Zombies, Redneck Zombies, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, LOTR trilogy, probably more
I'm unaware of.
Prefered schedule: Military time.
Occupation: Blake is currently in the military where his endless stamina will hopefully get him noticed by people who are
testing mobile suits and need a pilot. After that what he will do is a mystery.
Heroes: Heero.
Villains: Tuberoth and Mareimeia Kushrenada. She's so damned evil!
Religion: Probably Christian, but it is speculated that he might actually be an avatar for one of the Gods himself.
Political affiliation: Blake hopes to one day rule the world.
Goals: Pilot mobile suits, world domination, play video games.
Person Blake would most like to meet: It is a mystery
Favorite color: Purple, the color of imperial rome, not the color of gay.
Favorite song: It is a mystery
Favorite games: Front Mission, BG2, Unreal, Armored Core, probably many, many more.
Best friend: It is a mystery, though he is in alliance with me, he might join the White Fang and we'd end up doing battle
high above the earth while the colony rockets towards the planet's surface and then we'd decide not to use guns and take out
our beam sabers and they'd be all like dssszzzzzzz DDSZZZZZZ ZZZZZZEEESSSSSSHHHH and then Relena whines about peace and stuff
and we're all DZZZZZZZSSSHHHH.
Age: 20
Weapon proficiencies: Flail, swordhucks somehow, idiot blade, bastard sword, knives, guns, daggers, bows, slingshot, paintball
Drugs: Alcohol.
Special abilities: Blake can transform and shrug off damage he took in his previous form. He was once beaten by a young
girl with a metal pole for an hour and then transformed and was fine. Seriously. His transformation was that he put a trashcan
on his head, but it helped somehow.
Coolest thing Blake ever did: Blake attempted to melt down my face with a blowtorch once when I knocked him off the roof
in a drunken snowball fight. Luckily he was unsuccessful and so he decided to build a catapult instead. This was also unsuccessful.