Recently I ventured into a debate about Global Warming in the nightlife. Since we're all well informed enough to acknowledge that human kind is responsible for this
there wasn't much debate, but that wasn't the real fun of the topic. The fun came when someone known only as Deepsycher added
his "thoughts" and I use the term loosely. Below are his two posts, and some comprehension questions.
1 I once thought, "The world is slowly closing in every day" which is so true applied to many situations. Heard that,
"One day there will be plenty of food but we won't be able to eat", at this rate it can happen, plants may change their architecture
to survive and combine with the pollution from the air. Also to consider the secret trials of GM crops to slowly contaminate
the land, could be an attempt to license food.
2 Not so difficult to foretell that ending, can it be similiar to any fruit that has gone bad, perhaps beyond that
3 The question is, on that day will I be here to see it?
4 Lets face it, it is a global warning. The existance and destruction of creatures could be a message that material
is not everything, depending on what dimension you are in.
5 Appears that people put most of their values in money so they have less responsibility to think about. I see that
economics is exploited in these ways as well as the cheapening of products such as throw away equipment. Less development
in protecting trees and land, spraying the farms with their form of "protection", using incorrect foods such as cow feed and
battery farming. Some day the chemicals could combine in the air, slightly happening with GM foods. I think an end for most
could be with the food.
6 I'd say "Economising at the cost of the Earth"
Review questions:
1: Does the author still think what he once thought in sentence one?
2: In sentence 2, it is suggested that:
3: In what should be sentence 3, the author explores the possibility of:
4: In sentence four, what is GM trying to do?
5: In line 2, the sentence is about:
A: A song by the doors, pulp of tamarind, and a song by REM
B: the end of the world, food going bad, and trying to sound like Yoda.
C: fortune telling, the time you bought some mangoes, and what happened after you bought
6: In line 3, the answer to the question is:
A: Yes B: No
C: Possibly D: When nine hundred years old you are, see
much you will.
7: In line 4, what things are a global warning that material is not everything?
A: A and B B: The destruction of creatures
C: The existence of creatures D: Buckaroo Banzai was
in a different dimension so the warning dosn't apply.
8: In line 5, sentence 2, is battery farming possible?
A: Yes, and it's a kind of food, but it's incorrect. B:
Yes, and you can eat it.
C: No. D: Fuck this I need a drink.
9: In line 5 sentence 3, what is happening with GM's food?
A: Chemicals are combining in the air with the food, but only slightly. B: Chemicals are combining in the food.
C: The food and air are forming chemicals. D: The chemicals
are mutating to create the incredible hulk.
10: In line five sentence 4, what will be the end?
A: Food. B: Thinking.
C: Global Warming D: Riding the snake.
Bonus: The author's overall tone could be described as:
A: Incoherent quasi-environmentalism tinged with nonsense and poor language skills. B: Happy.
If you answered mostly As congratulations, your comprehension of complete nonsense is beyond compare. If mostly Bs and
Cs then you really need to work on your reading skills, and if mostly Ds you need to open your mind to the possibilities of
eating battery farms and plant architecture. Except on the bonus question. The answer to that was clearly D.