As much as this site has made fun of crazy Christians a lot of people seem to have the idea that we're atheists or devil
worshippers. I can't speak for everyone at JP, but for me that's just not true. I don't know if this article will be funny,
but I definately do want to explain a few things if I can.
First of all, I don't think that Christian baiting is particularly anti-Christian.Yeah that dosnt sound like it should
make sense, but let me elaborate. The people we make fun of are, as most might well notice, complete anuses. I don't think
that a website run by pre-school drop outs is going to fell one of the world's formost religions, but jerks like Fred Phelps
and his ilk can certainly give said religions a bad name.
Pointing out injustice or evil is not a bad thing to do. It may get you called a trouble maker, but the real problems are
the people you have to point out in the first place. The thing is that Christianity is definately not a religion devoted to
hatred and intolerance. If it were than we'd have a lot more material to make fun of and thats something to be thankful for
because we're busy enough as it is.
Serving God, more than anything else, means doing what you think is right. To some this might mean burning down a planned
parenthood clinic or blowing up a gay bar or something. But to me it means giving people a good laugh at the expense of some
of those fruitcakes. But I realize that for most it probably means a lot of things, but none of them involve the internet
or humor. But that's cool, because in our own ways I'm sure we're all doing some kind of good in this world.
And in that spirit I want to give some praise to someone I was previously going to make fun of, Arthur Blessit. It seems that it was his idea to rocket a 2 inch tall crucifix into space where it would orbit the earth until it burns
up in the atmosphere or is crushed by space junk.
Now with just any cross this would be kind of pointless, but it said on the site that he'd carried the cross around the
world in every nation. I thought it was just a publicity stunt, but on further research I realized this guy was serious. Reading
his diary and seeing the pictures, I realized he really had done this stuff.
And it wasn't about hatred or xenophobia like a lot of "saved" people are pushing. The guy really just loves people and
wanted to go around the world and meet them and rap about his beliefs and their beliefs. The dude has merchandise on his site,
but its all about God and none of it is about him.
So, for the Arthur Blessits of the web, I say carry on and be excellent. Your sites, which may not get a lot of attention,
are what Christianity, and faith as a whole, are really about. People who try to share their religion, to give something good
to others, are fine by me as long as they actually care about talking and discussion, and sharing some kind of wisdom. And
for those who think this guy is a dipshit for talking about his religion, that might be so, but it could be worse- you could
be listening to the writers of any of the other sites I've reviewed.
Now as for the subject of my own faith, I'm pretty sure there's some kind of higher power besides Kurt Cobain and Fidel
Castro. It's probably a chick though. As for my actual religion, up yours. I don't have one and I'm not going to. Just to
be safe though I have a cross (in case of stereotypical vampires) I use Kosher salt in cooking (hear that, Yahweh?) and of
course I stay away from dogs because they are Halal. Oh and I meditate occasionally just cuz I hear Budha likes that stuff.
Oh and as for Shinto I keep a picture of one of my dead relatives on my desk. Now having hedged my bets that much I should
be due for heaven/paradise/nirvana/the life of a tentacle in a hentai flick as soon as I die. Well, unless you count all the