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As the leader of the JPCBLS, Floppydisk decided it would be a good idea not to do all the work. Therefore we decided to send Otal Nimrodi against the savage fury that is www.christiangallery.com We were especially interested in This little bit of lunacy. Saint Otal Nimrodi is now no longer the rookie on the squad, and he did a great job of making fun of the page while I decided to email the author(and I use the term loosely.) Cheifly I credit my inspirational speech for his success. Let's have a look. Quotes from the page will be in bold.
Let's make sure we understand each other.
The chances of that ever happening are so slim as to be nonexistant.
Webster's dictionary defines "faggot" this way: (1) a bundle of sticks, twigs, or small branches of trees, used for fuel or for filling ditches or other purposes in fortification."
It doesn't mention Gays in here anywhere.
According to the dictionary, Faggots are "fuel" for the fire. Because of this root meaning of the word, the English language has always allowed people to reasonably and logically be called faggots if the destiny of those people involved being burned in a fire.
Or thrown in a ditch, or put in a fort.
Have you ever said that some people are destined to go to hell if they continue in certain types of behavior?
No, no I have not.
Then you belong in the Creator's Rights Party.
I just said I didn't.
Why? The Creator's Rights Party is committed to arresting faggots of all types
And how many have you gotten so far? Maybe I can help you arrest some fuel. That tree above my house looks awful suspicious.
(According to the dictionary definition, every person destined for the fires of hell is technically and actually a faggot. This point is increasingly clear as unrepentant sinners of every variety rush to jump into political bed with the homosexual faggots.)
I think that last sentence is the plot of a porno film.
Why must we arrest faggots?
I was actually going to ask "What is this guy on?"
It will give faggots an opportunity to be delivered from their bondage to whatever it is that is moving them to choose behavior that will inevitably cause them to be burned in the fire.
Now THAT'S a run-on sentence. Also note that this is the same plan the nazis had for the Jews before they realized that crazy men in silly uniforms pointing guns generally isnt enough motivation to change one's lifestyle. It's a good idea to send them to prison though, because prisons are a haven of good manners, redemption and heterosexuality.
I know this will blow most people's train of thought off the track
You can blow someone's mind, and you can lose your train of thought, but you can't do both at the same time.
but it is nonetheless true that Arresting faggots is an act of love
I'm not so sure the faggots would agree...
a ministry that was historically understood to be a very high calling from God
When your god starts calling you to snap handcuffs on your hair dresser, it's time to start taking your pills again mate.
The fact that the great majority of citizens in the United States of America has forgotten this calling
Is because it never existed at all and you just made it up.
(if the feedback we get from this article is indicative of national trends, this statement includes Christians as well as infidels)
Wow, apparently all religious fundamentalists use that word, and here I thought it was just the turban wearing variety.
in no way diminishes the responsibility of those who are truly God's people
Aren't we all God's people? Let's hold hands and sing.
to respond to that calling. If you call yourself a person of God and refuse to help arrest faggots, you belie yourself and prove you do not belong to the God who is committed to burning faggots. If you refuse to help arrest faggots, you really should expect to be left behind when God comes to collect His people.
God is currently working on collecting Mickey Roonie so he can be used with Strom Thurmond, Methuselah and Yoda. Then he just needs to get some more earth elemental cards and he'll totally be able to kick the devils ass at Yu-Gi-Oh.
Even if you refuse to help arrest the faggots, God's people will do it anyway.
So I'm not god's people?
Because of His great love for all people, God will move His true people to help arrest faggots
Wow, God must really love people if he gives them a choice between being arrested by Christianazis or burning in hell (or in a fort, or in a ditch) forever.
so faggots will be sure to have the opportunity to repent of their sin. In this way, if they refuse to repent, on Judgement Day there will no voice be raised in accusation against God:
Somehow I think there will be, and it'll come from guys like this asshole. Example:
"Hey God, man have I been waiting for you for a while. I wasn't able to arrest any faggots but I sure pissed a lot of people off in your holy name. Hey, why aren't I ascending to heaven? Oh, fuck, you're a fag lover too huh? Well screw you happy boy! Hey... wait... No that thing has prongs! It couldn't possibly fit... YUUUURGH!"
everyone will know they were given the opportunity to know the Truth and repent. How can you help arrest faggots?
Become a police officer. That or a nazi.
How did you help the present regime stand by as God's authority was rescinded by the government of the USA? You supported political parties, right?
No, I support the revolution.
Well, you help arrest the desecration Vote for it? the same way. Except you support a party actually committed to arresting the desecration. At this moment in history, in the United States of America, you only have one political party committed to arresting all categories of faggots: The Creator's Rights Party.
Yeah, consisting of you, and a couple other loonies.
If you still are not clear about why homosexual faggots must be arrested, go here to hear about their queer agenda.
So, only the GAY ones have to be arrested, huh? I see how it is, us normal sinners aren't good enought for you, are we.
(Editors note: That page was filled with some misquoted paragraphs from a novel by a gay author. If the writings of people of sexual alignments can be taken to be a manifesto for everyone of that alignment than as a straight male I suppose I should be "Chillin' in the Benzo sippin on gin and juice".)
Won't you help the Creator's Rights Party arrest the faggots?
I love this guy's language. Whereas most crazy Christians speak in a mix of poor English and random words from some old book, this guy favors pansy olde English.
"Oh! Won't you help the creator's rights party arrest the faggots? Afterwards we shall have tea in the garden. Oh it will be ever so delightful!"
In response to the question though, survey says... no.
Begin to Help by Ordering this Bumper Sticker.
As much as it would be great for camp value, it would still be giving you money. I'll pass.