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J M Does the News part 3


Today in the news theres a lot of things of interest, but I'm not going to talk about any of them. Instead here's some pretty much random stories:

Some crazy arsed Christians have formed a church and managed to blame the Iraq war on, you guessed it, gays. I'm serious. There are Christians protesting outisde soldiers' funerals saying those soldiers were killed because God took away our invulnerability because we allow gay people to live. If we didnt do this it is assumed that Jesus would kick the Iraqis ass for us. Apparently casualties in Iraq are not a result of imperialist occupation and genocide, or of poor body armor, but of gays. Thanks a lot, queers! Hey maybe if more people took up homosexuality we'd lose this war faster. Sounds like a decent idea for a protest: "Gay-in to stop the war, bring a dildo!"

But to the credit of the soldier's families and other community membrs I have to point out that they formed a far larger crowd and chased these fucking lunatics off post-haste.

And in another story of completely insane people blaming others, a doctor is in trouble because he flatly told a patient she was morbidly obese. Yeah apparently when someone's flesh reaches the consistency of porridge not only are the rest of us not allowed to make them wear party hats and laugh at them, but doctors aren't even allowed to tell them it's a bad thing that they're carrying around the weight of a small car.

And in other news a Palestinian freedom fighter blew up a small chunk of the zionist entity. I continue to support the Palestinian right to self defense, no matter what form it takes. Victory to the Intifadah!