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Publishing quiz



  1. Do you have what it takes to be published? Namely a book and an insummountable will?

    Yes, I think

    Nope, probably not.

  2. Dear author, please die

    Please sir, may I have some more?

    Hey buddy, screw you!

  3. Dear author, please die

    Please sir, may I have some more?

    Hey buddy, screw you!

  4. Dear author, please die

    Please sir, may I have some more?

    Hey buddy, screw you!

  5. Dear author, your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries

    Why yes, now that I think about it thats quite true.

    Man I will bitch slap you if you say that again.

  6. You suck, you know that, your writing is substandard and it would never sell. Such a stupid idea could only have come from a retarded four year old what the HELL were you thinking?

    Yes sorry about all that.

    -bursts into tears-

  7. We might consider you book, if you rewrite it and then dance like an enslaved animal

    that sounds quite reasonable

    -develops an eating disorder and goes in the bathroom to regurgitate-

  8. In order to be sent in your book must be in a font only known to three terrorist suspects in the tribal regions of Pakistan and have the number 33 somewhere in its word count

    that sounds reasonable

    I am the black angel of death....

  9. we think we like your book?

    That's cool

    Really? HOLY SHIT it's about time! Wooohooo!

  10. I'd love to help you with getting published because I truly believe in your work all you have to do is send me...

    Hey buddy, fuck you, I know what you're up to!

    That sounds reasonable, where can I send my payment?

  11. dirtwhore

    why yes I am

    punk bitch!

  12. dirtwhore

    why yes I am

    punk bitch!

  13. your writing sucks, but maybe if you'd be willing to repeat this process 20 times or so someone will decide that it dosnt suck and help you get published.

    Sounds fun!

    man screw all that noise!

Another Quiz by QuizMaker

If you answered A to every single question and could do this again and again with real people,... well, you got a chance. I guess.