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Yummy Coffee


Recipe: Yummy Coffee
Difficulty: Lunatic
Ingredients: Cappucino, (milk and coffee) chocolate syrup, vanilla syrup, sugar, milk, cream, Bailey's Irish Cream optional.
Method: First you have to get up at an unholy hour. For me, this was about ten AM. Then you go to a place where they make cappucino. For me this is my job. I had my friend Angie fire up the device and steam the milk and make the base liquid for my TASTE SENSATION. During this process it is customary to make a comparison between the sounds coming from the machine and the act of choking a dolphin.
When this is done you sip the concoction. It is likely bitter and disgusting, as all coffee is. That is why your job is now to turn it into chocolate milk. Add a good deal of milk and cream and sugar. Taste it again and it will probably still be too weird. Add several tea spoons of chocolate syrup. Now it should be shaping up nicely.
If you want to experiment you can put on some whipped cream or cocoa powder. Or you can add Bailey's Irish Creme, which is one of the coolest inventions ever. It's liquer in the form of cream! Note that unless you add a lot of this it dosnt change the taste. Finally when all this is done, drink it through a straw. My mom never gave me chocolate milk that contained coffee and liquer, but if she had it would taste like this.
Comments: This is actually one of the better recipes I make for my own enjoyment as opposed to that of others. Really tasty stuff!
Note: My drink looked nothing like the above image.