
Fuck you Chyld, I still have the navbar
More Venom to Gaia
Glamis The Great
Impulse power!
Christian Baiting


Cristian Baiting is an E-sport I invented after looking over some pages that greatly influenced me. For instance, Some hatemail Seanbaby got from loonie Christians and Some of Laura and Rags' L&E stuff. or, to a lesser extent, This Pokey the Penguin comic.
Then I began by making fun of some loonie evangelical site. I plan to do more and actually get into specific issues and not just making fun of the mentally disadvantaged. Here's the rules of Christian Baiting:
You can make fun of a website, person or cause and post it on a message board or web site.
You should try to use the phrase "God's cock" as often as possible.
Whoever gets the most incoherent hatemail wins!