
Fuck you Chyld, I still have the navbar
More Venom to Gaia
Glamis The Great
Impulse power!
I can do better

"I can do better"

A play by J. M. Hoffman

Dramatis Personae:

Vincent: A self help guru and columnist

Gina: Vincent's girlfriend

Henry: A chef at a restaurant the two leads frequent

Laura: A woman who is stalking vincent

Tom: Vincent's boss

Cyntia: Henry's wife

Charles: A Wisconsin fetishist

Nigel: An intellectual and avid reader

Scott: He's not a very good homosexual

Matthew: An avid gamer

Brandon: A thoroughly divorced man

Helga: A strongly opinionated lesbian

Andrew: A conspiracy theorist

Marie: A resntaranteur and rival of Henry

The setting is modern day New York. Action occurs in Henry's restaurant The Wizzledorf, in a French restaurant owned by Marie, in Vincent's appartment, in Gina's appartment, and within Vincent's office.

Scene 1: Vincent and Gina spend the evening in his appartment