
Fuck you Chyld, I still have the navbar
More Venom to Gaia
Glamis The Great
Impulse power!
Worlds Beyond Belief CH Whatever


Something was seriously wrong with the portal. Somewhere near him he could hear a voice crying out, but it didn't really seem to matter terribly much. In fact, all of a sudden nothing mattered terribly much. Trent’s body was tingling pleasantly and he looked on with detachment as the portal he’d come through, rather than opening up, began to close like a flower blooming in reverse. He could feel something not unlike his body getting smaller, but he no longer had the sensation that it was his body, and the words of his friends had long ago ceased to get through the sheet of experiences that was covering his mind.

The darkness finally encroached over him, and then he started to slosh around. He didn’t particularly remember being liquid, but suddenly he was, and that was ok with him. "It’s ok to be liquid sometimes…" He muttered to the darkness, his own voice vibrating the blackness around him and traveling vertically, then starting to spread into… something. It was an opening and light was pouring in.

All of a sudden Trent realized he was being born, which seemed the sensible thing to do. He went with it and floated out. The lights and smells stunned him, if for no other reason than that they weren’t all particularly supposed to be lights and smells. He found himself chewing on a dim beam of light, noting that it tasted, not like lemons or flowers, but like light should taste.

Suddenly Matt and Celia were there as well. He couldn’t see them yet, they were still bubbling out of their own wombs, which Trent had now decided must be a metaphor for the earth. "Wait… a metaphor? How do I know this is a metaphor…? This is real… Right?" He thought to himself for a moment before turning attention to his friends.

"You’re forming out of a lot of liquid metal, like in that Terminator movie… That’s cool." Trent commented flatly as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

Celia wasted no time and soon charged into Trent with her very being, and her suddenly present octopus tentacles, and so they merged together. She had clasped him so tightly that they no longer seemed to be two people, but were part of a greater… something.

Trent briefly mused on how interesting it was to have breasts and wondered for a while if he and Celia could give birth. It seemed so to him, because Matt appeared out of them, his flippers flopping about comically as he rose to his full height.

"Hey…. Trelia… How’s it going?" He asked, admiring the joining between the two quite curiously.

"We seem to be in an altered state… Maybe this world is some sort of psychedelic… thing…" Trelia said to her male counterpart.

"Ah… much like the effects of LSD, no doubt" Trelia said wisely to his female half.

"You’ve done acid before?" Matt asked curiously.

"No, but I bet you I know its chemical layout better than a lot of trip heads" Trelia said with a chuckle.

Trelia’s other half groaned. "Something’s chemical layout has nothing to do with the spiritual effects it can have on you…"

Matt wasn’t listening to his friend anymore, he was entirely focused on a corner of some element of furniture that extruded from the ground.

"It’s a matter of logic and will power, not of any silly voodoo. There’s no magic in a mere chemical, Celia." He said, looking down at his and Celia’s stomach that they shared.

"Then how do you explain being fused with me?" The Celia part asked.

"Maybe it means you’re horny." He said hopefully.

"This is no time to joke Trent. I’d think you of all people would be one to remain rational, logical…" Celia groaned.

"I’m afraid that logic and proportion have fallen sloppy, dead…" Trent murmured as he tried to see into Celia’s mind, simply because it seemed an interesting venture while he was in there.

Celia’s face manifested where previously there had been a swirl of features, and Trelia’s stomach grew out and then rapidly slumped down, splashing Trent out onto the radio waves that served as the ground. Or at least he thought them to be radio waves. They felt soft, as he decided radio waves should.

"You gave birth to me! This is going to do terrible things for the legality of our relationship, you know!" He protested.

"Let’s avoid that aspect of things. The important thing to do is to stay right here, if we let our minds wander and lose focus we’ll forget where the gate is going to reappear."

Trent nodded his agreement and dusted himself off. "That sounds fine to me, but Matt might have a problem with it, what with having run off riding a half buried coffee table."

"Now why would he go and do that!" Celia asked with her arms crossed and a wrathful look on her face. She was in charge here, and her two friends had no experience with this sort of thing. Neither did she, she realized, but there had been books about it.

"He might have been the sensible one…" Trent said mournfully as a dark and writhing shadow fell over them.

On to WBB Chapter Whatever with Coconuts