
Fuck you Chyld, I still have the navbar
More Venom to Gaia
Glamis The Great
Impulse power!
Protest: The Gathering


So, as any of you who read the site know, I am a dirty commie. Seriously, I'm now an official member of CPUSA after a conversation I had with a Marxist chap which will be detailed herein. Anyhow, this is the first part of what will be a series of lengthy photo essays. That's right. Even while I was risking my neck against Bush's brownshirts I still thought of you guys enough to have a camera around.

The ride to DC was interesting since all the overpassed had been adorned with banners mentioning the protest. This was the work of the DC anarchists, who next to those in NY are some of the best revolutionaries in the nation and are surely comrades of mine. I didnt do the metro thing this time. Instead my friend drove me right to the monument lawn, and from that point on I have NO fucking idea where I was except that I was surrounded by groovy people who came together to end an unjust war, although I might have been able to use the bush-blimp below as a beacon.

The first thing I found was a huge blow up statue of George Bush as pictured above. It was an ad for a site called http://www.bushocchio.com/ which sells smaller dolls of our fearless leader. There was also a global warming baloon of a globe being attacked by a spider. I'd never seen anything like this at a march before so it was pretty cool stuff but nothing to what happened later in the evening on this stage.

Joan Baez and Willy Nelson both played for the protesters, but I had to leave early to get to work that day so I couldnt watch the concert. After this I went and dug the people who were selling stuff, and bought a few things from activists and got some literature. I saw two very stunning sights. One was a field filled with flag draped coffins, pictured here, and the other was a makeshift cemetery with hundreds of crosses I didnt get a pic of.

Remembering that there was once a time when people died for things besides bullshit imperialism I thought it would be my duty to visit the WW2 monument which had been being built while I was in DC for the last protest on March 5 last year. As you can see the monument is stunning and certainly a fitting tribute to the sacrifice of that generation.

I got a few odd looks, but that was because I was dressed in my black anarchy beret and a black cloak with a big sign, as seen below making a striking figure infront of the washington national dildo. You'll notice that the sky is overcast. Thats because it was sprinkling lightly once in a while the whole damn day. As opposed to the last protest I attended when it actually just rained. This is because the government controls the weather, and is evil.

I think one of the coolest events of the day was not the march, or the tents, or the speaches, but what happened on a forrested lawn. I was walking by, and there were just all these people there doing their own thing. A few people were meditating, some people were eating, couples were laying down and staring at the clouds, everyone was just doing their own thing and living in peace. I really wish the whole world could be more like that lawn.

After that I met a very interesting marxist and chatted with him. He was rather surprised to learn that I was an anarcho-communist, and so I explained it to him, and we did agree on a lot of points. He was actually a bit more radical than me in that he wanted the overthrow of every world government by the workers, and he was definately not with Marx on the primary goal of communism (anarchy) but we had a good time talking and I decided to join the party in earnest. That's about all for now, tune in next when I try to find out where the hell I'm going and get yelled at by cops and climb on things, starring Cindy Sheehan!